The division I work in is…
The Division of Consumer Protection (The #1 Division in all of Commerce)
I have worked at Commerce for…
I have worked at Commerce for 9 years, 10 months, and some days. I previously worked with a refugee resettlement agency in Salt Lake City, and with the Oklahoma County Public Defender’s Office on their capital defense team.
At Commerce, my job is…
At Commerce, my job is to investigate potential violations of the numerous statutes enforced by the Division of Consumer Protection, and to resolve consumer complaints, either through voluntary compliance by the business, or through potential legal action against the business, including settlements and/or citations. I also perform other duties, as assigned.
The best thing about working for the Utah Department of Commerce is…
The annual time! I earn vacation time, and I use it. I get paid to be anywhere but work. I come back from vacation with a twinkle in my eye and some extra pep in my step. If you have a lot of accrued annual time and you don’t use it, you really need to re-evaluate your life choices. Go to Redwood National Park. It will change you for the better.
I have professionally grown working in my division because…
I feel like I’m a better negotiator because of my work in the Division of Consumer Protection.
During my workday I could not live without…
Snacks – Snack – Snacks – Snacks – Snacks – Snacks
Outside of the office I like to…
Outside of the office I like to travel to national parks, state parks, and anywhere in between. I also love caves and sandy beaches. We recently explored a water cave at Gandy Warm Springs in western Utah. I highly recommend it.
My superpower is…
My super power is waking up after briefly nodding off in a meeting and pretending like I actually have a clue about what everyone is talking about. I’m not super at it, but it is a power that I possess.