Division Updates

January 10, 2022

Division of Corporations and Commercial Code (DCCC)

The division just concluded one of its busiest times of the year: the holidays! The end of the year is a popular time for folks to dissolve or terminate their entities, or submit filings to us that have delayed effective dates after January 1st.

To help support the public, they have continued to add content to their Education Hub here: https://corporations.utah.gov/education-hub/.

Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing (DOPL)

DOPL continues to assist licensees and the public amid the pandemic with another licensure exemption. This new exemption allows certain Class B pharmacies, physicians (MD/Dos), physician assistants (PAs), and advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) to test, prescribe, and dispense emergency use authorized (EUA) oral antiviral medications for treatment of mild to moderate COVID-19 symptoms. In addition, DOPL has issued over 1,000 Temporary Nurse Apprentice licenses to Registered Nurse (RN) students in their last semester, allowing these students to enter the workforce early and help with healthcare staffing during the pandemic.